How often do we talk about our lives growing up? Do we think about how our relationships with our siblings have changed over the years? Do we recognize the humor all around us? What lessons have we learned, what traits do we embrace, and what foods take us back home? This is the fabric of our lives—our history. Re- cording the experiences and ideals that carry us through life is one of the greatest gifts we can give to our family. This book is an example of one way to share the gift of who we are. The book will not be read just once. The threads of family life are vivid and compelling. The conversations are a reminder of the importance of humor in everyday life. And the recipes are simply delicious home cooking. We may think the book will find a place on the book- shelf, but it will be more at home in the kitchen. So here is the simple recipe: Read about a vibrant life, find the humor in everyday living, and complete the cycle by sitting down with those close to you for a wonderful, home-cooked meal.
New Book available in 2025
This is not your average faith based book. In Joy Ride, Yvonne shares fourteen complete lessons given at Day of Joy Women’s Conferences nationally. In her refreshing collection of hilarious and inspirational lessons, she talks about situations that we all deal with as Christians but seldom talk about; spiritual, physical, and psychological roadblocks that stand between us and being joyful Christ followers. She explores the obstacles that steal our joy and offers away to reclaim happiness and joy in Christ. The pages are filled with her personal stories of how the Holy Spirit has changed her life. Hilarious stories (and pictures) of her children, grandchildren, and the mishaps she has experienced. They always have a point, a lesson, or a bit of encouragement for the readers. Yvonne shares biblical wisdom that we can all incorporate into our modern life. She says God wants us all to be full of joy and she shows you step-by-step how to get there. Join nationally acclaimed Christian speaker as she takes you on her seventy-three year Joy Ride! Complete with many pictures from Day of JOY events.
32 Stories of Influence, Enlightenment, and Hope by Yvonne Conte and Friends. This book offers encouragement and empowers readers to move beyond their circumstance through stories from thirty-two influential people from across the country.